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Fire Razes Popular Market In Osun, Destroys Shops



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  • Fire has razed popular market in Osun. 


THE NATION REPORTERS reports that a fire on New Year’s day razed a row of six shops at the back of the New Orisumbare Market in Osogbo, the capital of Osun State.


The inferno which started around 2 p.m. on Sunday raged for about one and a half hours before the arrival of firefighters.


Witnesses said goods worth several millions of naira were totally destroyed.


The affected shops were a furniture workshop, trading store, beauty and accessories shop and a shoe manufacturer’s office.


Ibrahim Adekunle, the spokesperson of the Fire Service in Osun State, confirmed the incident.


Mr Adekunle said the fire started from a burning bush beside the shops.



“About six shops affected, a furniture-making shop was completely consumed as the fire started from a nearby bush and undergrowth was set on fire by an unknown passerby and spread to those shops during the new year break,” he said.


“The fire actually affected some containers used as makeshift shops at the back of the new Orisunbare shopping complex,” he added.



Mr Adekunle, however, said a quick response of the firefighters prevented the fire from spreading to the main buildings at the Orisumbare market.


“Quick Intervention of firemen prevented the fire from spreading to the main complex, although it touched a small part of the facial board of the main complex via the backside where the fire started,” he noted.


“Estimated loss to the inferno cannot be ascertained as at the time of report because most owners who can give the actual account of their loss had been taken away from the scene.”


Meanwhile, the Secretary to the State Government, Teslim Igbalaye, has visited the scene of the disaster.

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