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Secondary school Student Commits Suicide Hours After Being Sent Home For School Fees



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By: Umar Abdulrahmon

Students commit suicide after been sent home for school fees


The nation reporters report that An investigation has been launched by the police in Embu county, Kenya, after a 14-year-old boy who was sent home to get his collect fees, comm!tted suicide.

It was gathered that Dickson Mwenda, who was a candidate for this year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam at Kiriari Primary School in Kigumo village, arrived home from school and found his mother attending to his other siblings.

The area chief Nelson Muturi said after he informed his mother why he was home, he went into the room. After attending to his siblings, Mwenda’s mother called on him to come out so they could go back to his school together but he was not responding.

She entered the room only to find the body of her son dangling from the rooftop of the house. The woman then raised an alarm, attracting the attention of the neighbours.

One Reverend Robert Nyaga who was among the locals who responded to the woman’s distress calls, described the boy as obedient, adding that the incident was unfortunate.

The body of the boy was moved to Embu Level 5 Hospital mortuary pending police investigations.

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