Veteran Nollywood actor Kunle Afolayan is in mourning following the tragic death of his mother, Omoladun Ayanladun Afolayan. The actor announced her passing in a...
A magistrate court sitting in Abuja has granted the embattled social media influencer, Martins Otse, popularly known as VeryDarkMan N2million bail. VeryDarkMan was arraigned on...
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has re-arrested the controversial social media personality and crossdresser, Idris Okuneye, known as Bobrisky, at Murtala Mohammed International Airport...
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has re-arrested the controversial social media personality and crossdresser, Idris Okuneye, known as Bobrisky, at Murtala Mohammed International...
Social critic Martins Otse, popularly known as VeryDarkMan, has reportedly been arrested for wearing a police uniform in one of his recent videos. Dtruth Insights...
On October 31st, 2024 the Nollywood industry mourned the loss of Pa Charles Olumo Sanyaolu, famously known as Agbako. This piece delves into the life,...
The photos of alleged arrest of Popular crossdresser Idris Okuneye, also known as Bobrisky, has gone viral on social media. Dtruth Insights reports that the photos...
The Nigerian entertainment industry is embroiled in a controversy following revelations by popular figures, Olamide Ogunleye, known as Oluwadolarz, and actor Kunle Remi, about alleged...
An investigative panel established by the Federal Government has exposed details about how popular crossdresser Idris Okuneye, widely known as Bobrisky, served his six-month prison...
Popular crossdresser Idris Okuneye, also known as Bobrisky, has been arrested, controversial media critic Martin Otse, also known as VeryDarkMan said. VeryDarkMan stated this in...