Famous Nigerian comedian, Bright Okpocha, otherwise known as Basketmouth, has finally reacted to the long time beef he had with his colleague, Ayo Makun, otherwise known...
Nollywood actress, Kudirat Ogunro also known as Semilore Pweety alongside her godmother Iyabo Ojo and Boye Best have paid a condolence visit to Fuji musician, Pasuma. Thenationreporters...
Priscilla Ojo, the daughter of actress Iyabo Ojo has expressed her love for the influencer, Enioluwa. Sharing several loved-up photos of them, Priscilla gushed over their relationship as...
By: Umar Abdulrahmon 173,000 BPD below 1.69 million BPD benchmark As oil price hits $85.03 per barrel Nigeria’s oil production dropped month-on-month, MOM, by 2...
By: Umar Abdulrahmon Texas’s Republican governor has said he is seeking a pardon for an Uber driver convicted of murder for shooting a protester during a...
By: Umar Abdulrahmon A popular Instagram cloth vendor identified as Adeshina Olayinka, popularly known as Khadi, was found dead at a hotel in the Akobo area...
By: Umar Abdulrahmon The High Commissioner of Nigeria to the United Kingdom, Sarafa Isola, has described the death of a former Attorney-General and Minister of Justice,...
By: Umar Abdulrahmon The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board has announced a new date for the commencement of the 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations. The board...
Prince Abdul-Jabar Bola Ajibola is dead. THE NATION REPORTERS reports that former Judge of the International Court of Justice, Hague, Netherlands, and proprietor of Crescent...
By: Umar Abdulrahmon The nation reporters report The Adamawa State police command has arrested a 70-year-old...